Mushroom Stroganoff


Serves 2
Carbs: 0g
Protein: 0g
Fat: 0g
Sugar: 0g
Preparing time: 5 mins
Cooking time: 20 mins
Family friendly


550 g mushrooms

1 red onion

2 garlic cloves

1 vegetable stock cube*

1 tbsp tomato purée

2 tbsp lemon juice

0.5 tbsp cornflour

2 tbsp water

115 g natural yogurt low-fat

3 tbsp chopped parsley

pinch black pepper

260 g basmati rice


  1. Clean and chop the mushrooms, onion and crush the garlic. Prepare the stock into 425ml of water.
  2. Put the mushrooms, onion, garlic, stock, tomato puree and lemon juice into a saucepan and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat, cover and simmer for 15 minutes.
  3. Blend the cornflour with 2 tbsp of water in a small bowl and stir into the mixture. Return to the boil, stirring constantly, and cook until the sauce thickens. Reduce the heat and simmer for a further 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Remove the saucepan from the heat and stir in yogurt, making sure that is stroganoff is not boiling or it may separate and curdle.
  5. Stir in 2 tbsp parsley and season to taste with pepper.
  6. Prepare the rice as per pack instructions and serve.

Serve and Enjoy.