Tips to make your New Year’s Resolutions stick

It is February and you are probably looking for a few tips to make your New Year’s Resolutions stick.

February and this is when it starts to get difficult so let us have a read of a few tips to make your New Year’s Resolutions stick

  • Remember why you started:  Write down the reasons why you started.  Maybe you resolved to change too many things at once.  Relook at what you have changed and what your progress has been.  Look at what you can continue this month and take one step at a time.  Have a think about what has worked and commit back to the plan.  Even if you have to change what you committed to doing.  That is ok.  Sometimes we make all these commitments in January and all of a sudden we realise we have taken on too much and quit completely.  It doesn’t have to be an all or nothing approach.
  • You need balance:  Your will power is being tested by now, maybe you have gotten paid again and you are ready to start socializing again you can’t beat yourself up for wanting to have a social life, a treat, a drink, etc. You have to have balance and if you start to feel deprived you are less likely to continue with your resolutions.
  • Don’t go to extremes: You should not beat yourself up about it and eat more or go to the other extreme and reduce your calories or increase exercise to a level you cannot sustain.  Take a step back, relax and think about why you started.
  • Get a pen and paper and start by breaking down your resolutions to smaller steps – each week or month maybe take on a new challenge and soon it will become a habit.  When you see it written down in achievable steps you will feel better about yourself straight away and you are back on the right path..

   Every healthy decision you make is one step towards resolving the reason why you started.

Tips to make your New Year's Resolutions stick


Everyone hits obstacles, but don’t let these deter you from achieving your goals. Relax, don’t stress and get back on track.