What to give up for Lent

Are you wondering what to give up for lent.

The start of lent can mean many things to many people.  It may just be a memory from your childhood of lent starting and talking to your friends about what to give up for lent – I normally would attempt to give up chocolate but allowing a break on St Patrick’s Day.

Lent lasts for 40 days and it begins the day after Pancake Tuesday. We know the start of lent as Ash Wednesday and ends Easter Sunday. Ash Wednesday when I was growing up was marked by going to mass during school and getting ashes cross on our forehead.  Always wanting them to be darker than your friends.  We all spoke about what we were giving up for lent. Normally the usual – chocolate, sweets, crisps, etc.

Many people do endure lent due to their religious beliefs while others just take this opportunity to bring in new resolutions to their lifestyle.

The question was always “what will I give up for lent” but it doesn’t just have to be giving up something it can also be taking up something.  If you are wondering what to give up for lent – here are a few ideas on some things you can consider giving up or taking up.

What to give up for lent :

  1. Stop spending money on things you do not need.  Just spend on the essentials during lent.
  2. Don’t eat after dinner – rather than saying I am giving up chocolate etc maybe look at it in a different way and commit to not eating anything after dinner.  This can be huge strides in cutting down on mindless snacking.
  3. Write down 3 things you are thankful for every day.  You will start to appreciate the positive and things we take for granted in our lives
  4. Volunteer – Make a commitment to volunteer in some way.  Whether it is with a local club or a charity.  You will get so much self-satisfaction when you help others.
  5. Cut down on social media.  How many hours do we waste on Facebook or Instagram.  You can set a limit on your phone that will alert you when you have reached it.  You will be surprised how much more you can fit in your day when you put the phone down.
  6. Takeaways- no ordering in for lent.  Make your own fakeaways.
  7. Get out and about.  Go for a walk or join a class. Ask a friend to get involved.  It makes it easier when you have someone to go with.