Chicken Avocado Salad with 4 Baby Potatoes


Serves 1
Carbs: 0g
Protein: 0g
Fat: 0g
Sugar: 0g
Preparing time: 5 mins
Cooking time: 20 mins
Post workout meal


1 chicken fillet

0.5 red bell pepper

0.5 avocado

4 cherry tomatoes

1 whole egg

1 handful mixed leaves

0.5 red onion

1 tsp paprika

0.5 lemon juice

4 baby potatoes


1. You can either boil the chicken in a saucepan or for flavor with a spice of your choice (cajun, paprika, chili, etc) over the raw chicken and bake in the oven until cooked through (approx 20 mins).
2. Boil egg for 7 mins – remove and allow to cool.
3. Boil potatoes in a pot for approx 20 mins until cooked.
4. In the meantime prepare the salad by finely chopping your onions, peppers, tomatoes and avocado.
5. Mix all ingredients in the salad bowl with spices if required.
6. Once the chicken is cooked remove from oven – cut into cubes and add to the salad.
7. Squeeze lemon juice over the bowl of salad.

Pre-cook the chicken and potatoes and add to salad in a for lunch the next day

Serve and Enjoy.